We are aware of the dangers that asbestos poses for our health. There are many diseases that can be caused by asbestos, some of which could be potentially fatal. With all these negative effects coming to light, it’s understandable why the government entirely banned the import and export of the material in 2003.
However, it’s also important to remember that there are a large number of houses and establishments that still contain asbestos within their walls. It’s a fact that a large number of houses were built with materials containing asbestos before 1990.
If your house was built before 1990, there’s a high likelihood that the materials in it may contain asbestos. But before you bust out your sledgehammer and take the place down, remember that there are services that can help remove and dispose of the asbestos in your home.
If you’re looking for the best asbestos removal service, you’ve come to the right place. It can be rather tedious to pour over the different search engine results for an asbestos service. This is why we’re going to give you three things to remember if you’re looking for the best asbestos removal service.
1.Do They Have a Licence?
With the sheer danger that asbestos can inflict upon people’s health, it’s a good thing the government makes sure that only experts can work with this material. As such, if you’re looking for the best asbestos service, try to see if they have a licence.
This can show that their service is reliable, since a licence can indicate that it also can follow safety codes and standard operating procedures. A licence is the number one indicator of a trustworthy service.
2.Are They Friendly?
More often than not, you can tell how a company values their work by the way they treat their customers. A friendly company can go a long way in making an enquiry easy on the customer. It also shows how they will handle the work throughout the whole procedure.
Remember that these are also the people who will be handling your asbestos problems. As such, it is vital that they also value the way they treat their patrons. If the customer service is superb, it indicates that their service is the right one for you.
3.How Do They Treat Safety?
When dealing with asbestos, safety is the number one priority for everyone involved. Since the material can do a number on one’s health, feel free to ask a service how they handle safety in their work.
It’s not only safety in regards to asbestos itself, but also safety relating to other factors as well. Do they prioritise COVID-19 safety? Do they have specific procedures that make sure the structural integrity of the building remains intact? Ask these questions, and if they can give a straight answer, these people are the ones you should be working with.
Looking around for an asbestos removal service can be a rather taxing task. There are so many of them out there. But if you want to start at the right place, you can do it right with Ryno’s Group.
For the better part of 10 years, Ryno’s group has completed more than 1500 projects with 100 percent customer satisfaction. They find their purpose in ensuring the health and safety of the communities they service. If you want to make sure your home is safe from asbestos, look to Ryno’s Group to get the job done right.